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Concentrated polyether polyol used to break emulsions in high gravity crudes, improve the oil/water interface, and improve water clarity

Product Information

Product Shelf Life (month): 36

(in the unopened original packaging stored under conditions specified in the product documentation)


Product Data & Information

Technical Data Sheet (2)

Format: PDF
Format: PDF


You will find further information on our products and application-related additive recommendations in our technical brochures.

Regulatory Information

Safety Data Sheet (4)

Country: Canada
Format: PDF
Country: China
Format: PDF
Country: Mexico
Format: PDF
Country: United States
Format: PDF


The information herein is based on our present knowledge and experience. The information merely describes the properties of our products but no guarantee of properties in the legal sense shall be implied. We recommend testing our products as to their suitability for your envisaged purpose prior to use. No warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are made regarding any products mentioned herein and data or information set forth, or that such products, data or information may be used without infringing intellectual property rights of third parties. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments.